Well while was is D.C., I met a girl by the name of Trishna. Whom I got to know for a brief moment a night before a huge party a for friend. While I was sitting on the porch with a friend, Trishna sat down besides me and we started talking, and wouldn't stop talking. I found out that she was a pharmacist, and that intrigued me to ask her how a pharmacy works. I asked her about billing questions, the mark-up on pharmaceutical drugs, salaries, EVERYTHING. After about a half an hour with my friend and Trishna, I had to walk away because she was a TALKER!!
Well, the following day, my cousins in D.C., told me that a girl really liked me. I knew who it was, and I was afraid. SO i completely avoided her during the party, and ignored her the following day after the party.
But when I got back to Salt Lake City, Trishna had called all three of my cousins (more than 3 times per person) asking for my cell phone number. I told them all, under no circumstance, are they allowed to give my phone number to her. Then she called my cousins parents!!! who are best friends with my parents!!! asking for my phone number. By the time I go home to see my parents, they were asking me about Trishna!! my WORSE NIGHTMARE has come true. I just told my parents the complete story, and they were o.k. with the whole scenario. I'm sure all my fans out their are dying to see who this Trishna girl is.... well check out the picture below.

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