Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Longest Drive

Snow Storm of the Year. hell... the Century!!

Well it was a long day. We started the day off at 6a. Picked up the UHAUL at 6:15a, and drove our happy asses to Best Western. A location where 20 mattress & 20 boxes were waiting for us. We arrived at BW at 6:30 and started packing our UHAUL to the rim. A few of our friends arrived a little late to help carry the load. We were basically done at 7:15, and were on I-80 heading towards Evanston to drop off our package.

There was absolutely NO snow in Salt Lake City. While driving through Parley's Canyon it had started to sprinkle. About 2 miles in, as if we had drove through another dimension, the snow became HORRIFIC!! Complete and utter white out conditions.

As I drove the UHAUL, I had lost control of the vehicle about 3 times. After everytime, I had called my brother, and asked if it would be alright if we could turn around and head back to slc. Everytime I asked, all Rave could say was, "It's not that bad, we can make it."

Typically a drive from Salt Lake to Evanston took about 1 hour. But this scary as drive took 3.5 hours.

When we finally arrived, I leaped out of my car and kissed the ground. Afterwards, I gave my brother Rave a hug for the simple fact that we had survived.

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